The Processing of Korean Ballet in Term of Cultural Policies During the 1980’s 인문,사회과학편 : 1980년대 문화정책을 통해 본 한국발레의 양상
51(4) 1-9, 2012
The Processing of Korean Ballet in Term of Cultural Policies During the 1980’s 인문,사회과학편 : 1980년대 문화정책을 통해 본 한국발레의 양상
The purpose of this study was to examine the development of Korean ballet affected by national cultural policies in the 1980s. The findings of the study were as follows: First, as for cultural policies in the 1980s, there were aggressive efforts to step up the advance of culture to the extent that the then president announced cultural policies four times during his term of office. All sorts of international events were hosted to make our country known to the world and show our unique nationality. In the area of ballet, choreography of Korean style was composed as well to expedite the globalization of Korean ballet. Second, Korean-style choreography of Korean works such as Love of Chun hyang, the story of Prince Hodong and Shim chung was composed to display the unique beauty of our country in the 1986 Asian Games and the 1988 Seoul Olympic Games. These works stimulated ballet experts to produce more Korean-style ballet works, and provided an opportunity for ballet companies to make a new leap forward. In conclusion, the cultural policies of the 1980s had a great impact on the development of Korean ballet, which served to make our country known in the world, and the cultural policies make a contribution to the globalization of Korean ballet.
Key Words
Ballet, Korean Ballet, Cultural Policies, 1986 Asian Games, Seoul Olympic Games
Society Philosophical Interests and Value of Sports Tourism 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠관광의 사회철학적 이해와 가치
이재형JaeHyungLee , 구강본KangBonGoo
51(4) 11-21, 2012
Society Philosophical Interests and Value of Sports Tourism 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠관광의 사회철학적 이해와 가치
이재형JaeHyungLee , 구강본KangBonGoo
The purpose of this study is to suggest social philosophical understanding of sports tourism and to concretely reveal the value of sports tourism in modern society. The study method was literature study of integrate social philosophical contents and interest territory based on the contents of the precedent studies. First, sports tourism at a personal level is the main force of life and contents about individual and free directivity were suggested. This is because the starting point of sports tourism is based on personal independence. Second, approach to sports tourism for social philosophical understanding was made through perspectives of popular culture, class implication, political symbolism, and consumption cultural act. Third, practical values of sports tourism were suggested as value as play, value as sports, and social and philosophical value. These approach and value will establish theoretical foundation of sports tourism and become a base to develop the scope of sports tourism.
Key Words
tourism, sports tourism, social philosophy
Implication of Physical Education Based on the Zhaung Zi’s Philosophy 인문,사회과학편 : 장자철학의 체육적 함의
51(4) 23-31, 2012
Implication of Physical Education Based on the Zhaung Zi’s Philosophy 인문,사회과학편 : 장자철학의 체육적 함의
The purpose of this study was to inquiry implication of physical education based on the Zhaung Zi’s philosophy. In order to investigate this purpose, I analyzed the text of Zhaung Zi. The result of the study was as followed. Zhaung-Zi oriented ideal image of human beings who has attained the stage of play(遊). He is an acquaintance (至仁), a man of god(神人), a true man(眞人). The purpose of physical education in Zhuang-Zi is paly(遊) which play well naturally. ‘play is the gaming and play in which we can see the true face of the world and ourselves and can become on with the object in the world. Forget-enjoyment(至樂) of victory, records, and results are the purpose of physical education which can be found in Zhuang-Zi. The methods of physical education is the whole mind(專一), xixium(虛心), the feast of mind(心齋), forgetting everything(坐忘) etc. Physical education is to harmonious study with nature not artificially. The relation between teacher(coach) and student(player) is a relationship of mutual respect and consideration. The teacher(player) have to find the potential ability of student and he can help student realize potential ability of them.
Audience Classification by Considerations of Sport Coverage Viewing 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠중계방송 시청 시 고려요인에 따른 수용자 유형화
51(4) 33-44, 2012
Audience Classification by Considerations of Sport Coverage Viewing 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠중계방송 시청 시 고려요인에 따른 수용자 유형화
The purpose of this study is classified audiences by considerations of sport coverage viewing. It allows helping understanding of audiences and supplies valuable data for sport programming. For this study, reused and analyzed "The audience response ratings about preference of sport program and sport" data. The results were as followed. First, two groups were clustered by two factors(factor analyzed considerations of sport coverage viewing) that were besides game factor and broadcast factor. Differences of gender, age, scholarship, job, income percentage in a group were exist on between two group 1 and group 2. Second, differences of sport viewing, broadcast company, channel, type of program, and pro sports league’s preferential percentage in a group were exist on between two groups. This result indicates that Classification and properties of sport coverage audience means diversity of sport audience and diversity exists on audience’s sport coverage viewing.
Key Words
sport coverage, sport audience classification, considerations of sport coverage, cluster analysis, discriminant analysis
K-League Match-fixing Scandal and the Problem of Korean Sportstoto’s Management 인문,사회과학편 : K리그 승부조작사건과 체육진흥투표권사업 운용의 문제점
서희진HeeJinSeo , 한승백SeungBackHan
51(4) 45-54, 2012
K-League Match-fixing Scandal and the Problem of Korean Sportstoto’s Management 인문,사회과학편 : K리그 승부조작사건과 체육진흥투표권사업 운용의 문제점
서희진HeeJinSeo , 한승백SeungBackHan
This is a single case study on K-League match-fixing scandal in 2011. This research focused on the following two features. First, Many K-League players approximately 10% were implicated in match-fixings. Second, brokers bet their money on legal sports betting business dealing with matches that they manipulated. Research questions are as follows. Firstly, what is the subjective structure that forced many players to be involved in match-fixing affairs? Secondly, what is the operational problem of the government-sanctioned sport betting business that affects match-fixing affairs? To answer these questions, this research interviewed a previous K-league soccer player who got permanently expelled from the league for the involvement in match-fixing cases. The outcomes of this research are as follows. First, ‘domination of mammonism’ as a prevailing value system in Korean society, and ‘the closed athletic culture’ were presented as the subjective structures. Second, the lack of advanced systems such as anti-fixing education for players, the match-monitoring and the electronic card systems were pointed out as the operational problems of sport betting business.
Key Words
match-fixing, sportstoto, K-League, monitoring system
Match Fixing in Male Highschool Elite Sports and Ways to Prevent It 인문,사회과학편 : 남자 고교 엘리트스포츠 승부조작의 실상과 근절방안
51(4) 55-68, 2012
Match Fixing in Male Highschool Elite Sports and Ways to Prevent It 인문,사회과학편 : 남자 고교 엘리트스포츠 승부조작의 실상과 근절방안
The purpose of this study is to check the reality of match fixing in male highschool elite sports and to find ways to eradicate such practices. A qualitative study, involving 6 coaches and 3 referees from an Highschool in A and B regions, was conducted under such a purpose. In-depth interview and content analysis was used to collect data, and textual analysis was performed. Propositions from the Exchange theory of Homans(1961) was applied to illuminate the social meaning of a rigged game. Four following stereotypes were discovered: collusion among team coaches, intentional unequal judgement by referees, coaches bribing the referees, and more rarely match fixing involving parents, leaders and associations. Distributive justice proposition, rationality proposition, aggression- approval proposition, and deprivation-satiation proposition were each applied to these stereotypes. Match fixing was occurring based on the principles of behaviorism, that parents, leaders, and associations want a reciprocal relationship. College admission was an important factor in fixing games. Some efforts to eradicate such practices involve ethical education of players and leaders, setting minimum education level, exchanging the game to weekend league, broadcasting and filming of the game, and providing security for the leaders.
Key Words
match fixing, distributive justice, rationality, aggression-approval, deprivation-satiation proposition
Effects of Multiperfectionism and Passion on Emotional Intelligence in Golf Participants 인문,사회과학편 : 골프참여자의 다차원완벽주의와 열정이 정서지능에 미치는 영향
양성지SungJeeYang , 신석환SeakHwanShin
51(4) 69-79, 2012
Effects of Multiperfectionism and Passion on Emotional Intelligence in Golf Participants 인문,사회과학편 : 골프참여자의 다차원완벽주의와 열정이 정서지능에 미치는 영향
양성지SungJeeYang , 신석환SeakHwanShin
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of multi-dimensional perfectionism and passion on emotional intelligence in golf participants. Total of 253 golf participants were analyzed, the data was analyzed by exploratory factor analysis, hierarchial regression analysis, correlation analysis and reliability analysis using SPSS 15.0 program and AMOS 7.0 program. Major findings of this study were as follows. First, self oriented perfectionism and socially prescribed perfectionism of golf participants influenced positively on emotional awareness and emotional expression, other oriented perfectionism influenced negatively on emotional awareness, emotional expression, empathy and emotional control. Second, obsessive passion and harmonious passion influenced positively on emotional expression and emotional control, harmonious passion influenced positively on empathy.
Change of Value in Sport from the Perspective of Socio-ethics 인문,사회과학편 : 사회윤리적 관점에서 바라본 스포츠의 가치변화
권기남KiNamKwon , 이정래JungLeaLee
51(4) 81-92, 2012
Change of Value in Sport from the Perspective of Socio-ethics 인문,사회과학편 : 사회윤리적 관점에서 바라본 스포츠의 가치변화
권기남KiNamKwon , 이정래JungLeaLee
The purpose of this study is to project implications within modern sports transvaluation through sporting cases by socio-ethical perspectives. To analyze cases regarding gender, injury spirit, sport gambling, modern ethic theories such as utilitarianism, liberalism, communitarianism was derived to understand ethical problems and transvaluation. First of all, controversies over gender and utilitarianism were in the past, when Caster Semenya, a bisexuality athlete, participated in 2009 World Championships in Athletics/12th IAAF World Championships in Athletics held in Berlin, the sports legitimacy and athletes rights were both guaranteed. This is a way to express communitarianism tacitly. Also, sacrificing oneself when in injury for the benefit of others shows utilitarianism. However, injured athletes voluntarily participate in games is shown as liberalism based on utilitarianism. Lastly, in utilitarianism prospective donating income from sport gambling to KSPO(Korea Sports Promotion Foundation), local finance, farming and fishing communities for modernization, support for the weak, and other educational and public services provide social development. As a liberalism prospective, this becomes a choice rather than an obligation and participating in gambling becomes an action that seeks leisure and excitement. As for these aspects, sports gambling is an act encouraged in the society.
The Influence of Social Capital on Athletes Satisfaction and Sports Stress of Taekwondo Players in Highschool 인문,사회과학편 : 고등학교 태권도 선수의 사회적 자본이 운동선수만족 및 운동스트레스에 미치는 영향
이용선YongSunLee , 이근모KeunMoLee , 장승현SeungHyunJang
51(4) 93-109, 2012
The Influence of Social Capital on Athletes Satisfaction and Sports Stress of Taekwondo Players in Highschool 인문,사회과학편 : 고등학교 태권도 선수의 사회적 자본이 운동선수만족 및 운동스트레스에 미치는 영향
이용선YongSunLee , 이근모KeunMoLee , 장승현SeungHyunJang
The purpose of this study was to discover the effect relationship among the social capital, athletes’ satisfaction and sports stress of taekwondo players in highschool. For this study, those from 17 highschools throughout Yeongnam and Honam region in 2012 were taken as the population, 342 students-athletes were sampled with convenience sampling method and the data of 330 were used in the analysis. To test the hypothesis of this study, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, multiple-regression analysis were used, the following results have been drawn from this study. 1) The social capital(relational, cognitive, structural) of Taekwondo players in highschool was found to have a significant positive effect on athletes satisfaction(team contribution, team intergration & dedication, team performance, training & instruction). 2) The social capital(relational, cognitive) of Taekwondo players in highschool was found to have a significant negative effect on sports stress(dissatisfaction with coaching and training, dissatisfaction with restricted private life). 3) The athletes’ satisfaction(personal performance, team performance, training & instruction) of Taekwondo players in highschool was found to have a significant negative effect on the sports stress(dissatisfaction with coaching and training, career and academic concern, dissatisfaction with game result and skills, dissatisfaction with restricted private life).
Key Words
social capital, athletes’ satisfaction, sports stress, Taekwondo players in highschool
Social Theoretical Approaches to ‘Sport Complex’ in Korean Society 인문,사회과학편 : 한국사회 ‘스포츠 콤플렉스’의 사회이론적 접근과 이해
51(4) 111-124, 2012
Social Theoretical Approaches to ‘Sport Complex’ in Korean Society 인문,사회과학편 : 한국사회 ‘스포츠 콤플렉스’의 사회이론적 접근과 이해
This study was designed to analyze and discuss ‘Korean people’s sport complex’ in terms of sociological concepts and theories and to figure out in what meanings the out-spurt of complex through sport is explained. For this study, the document study was employed to construct the concepts of sport complex and theoretical frameworks and to adopt the Marxist and post-colonialism approaches within critical paradigm. Korean people’s sport complex is seen as the spurt of complex through sport which is interpreted as the remedy of physical inferiority complex, the demonstration of sport nationalism through collective identification, and the attempt to overcome and de-construct the relations between the colonizers and the colonized, or between the centrality and the periphery. Finally the study points out that people’s sport complex is a feeling contradictory to global cosmopolitanism and that sport organizations, media, and political groups try to sublate sport as a political propaganda or a hyped- commercial instrument for their political and economic benefits.
Key Words
sport complex, physical inferiority, sport nationalism, Marxism, post-colonialism
Searching Job Courses of Exercise Drop out Student Athletes 인문,사회과학편 : 운동중단 학생선수의 직업경로 탐색
차은주EunJooCha , 김영재YoungJaeKim
51(4) 125-136, 2012
Searching Job Courses of Exercise Drop out Student Athletes 인문,사회과학편 : 운동중단 학생선수의 직업경로 탐색
차은주EunJooCha , 김영재YoungJaeKim
This study has purpose in deeply searching cases on experience of socializing process of finding job courses after student athletes who have stopped exercising. The participants of this study were 10 students with more than 5 years of social career after stopping exercise. Data collection was conducted by recalling individual memories by 1:1 counseling of the participants in which the data analysis used Spradley(1979) area analysis and classification analysis method. By reconfirming the original data and analysis results with the research participants, trueness of the data was secured by member checking. Also, professional auditing with 2 university professors who had exercise suspension experience, 2 sports sociology Ph. D. and 3 ordinary humanics Ph. D. was conducted. As a result of the analysis, the job course searching process of the exercise suspension student athletes was classified into 4 steps. Specifically, they were shown by “awareness process of job decision” by main objects influencing exercise maintenance, “parallel strategy of exercise and studying” for maintaining exercise, “love of exercise and job course searching” where exercise couldn’t be let go even though it was suspended, and “stable job term and exercise experience” for the role of career and organization.
A Test of Dualistic Passion Model in Sport 인문,사회과학편 : 이원론적 스포츠 열정모형 검증
정꽃님KonNymChung , 유진JinYoo
51(4) 137-147, 2012
A Test of Dualistic Passion Model in Sport 인문,사회과학편 : 이원론적 스포츠 열정모형 검증
정꽃님KonNymChung , 유진JinYoo
This study focuses on people’s passion that is generated through the physical activities they value, and aims to investigate the relationship between autonomous/controlled personality and emotion. Based on previous studies and their theoretical models of passion in sports, we test the effects of autonomous/controlled personality on passion and the effects of passion on emotion, and analyze how passion mediates autonomous/controlled personality and emotion. Our survey includes 562 adults (210 men and 352 women) who have kept on physical activities. To measure their passion, autonomous/controlled personality, and emotion, we use a passion scale, BRSQ, and PANAS-X, respectively. We employ structural equation modeling (SEM) to test the models and decompose the causal effects to see the mediating effects of passion. The results demonstrate that the causal relations in model 1 and 2 are both structurally valid, and that model 2 presents more valid causality than model 1. Thus, we find: 1) autonomous/controlled personality is a predictor of passion; 2) emotion is the effect of passion; and 3) passion mediates between autonomous/controlled personality and emotion. Therefore, it is implied that passion plays an important and positive role in encouraging people to play sports and keep them on those activities.
The Influence of Repetitive Voluntary Movement on Movement-related Dortical Potentials 인문,사회과학편 : 단기간 반복적 수의운동이 운동관련뇌전위(Movement-Related Cortical Potentials: MRCPs)에 미치는 영향
51(4) 149-158, 2012
The Influence of Repetitive Voluntary Movement on Movement-related Dortical Potentials 인문,사회과학편 : 단기간 반복적 수의운동이 운동관련뇌전위(Movement-Related Cortical Potentials: MRCPs)에 미치는 영향
This study is to investigate how voluntary movement, had repeatedly in a brief space of time, would affect intracerebral information processing in the process of exercise that needs delicate control, in relation to the Bereitschaftspotential(BP) that constitutes movement-related cortical potentials (MRCPs). The study was conducted on 10 adult men who were healthy but had not ever been trained physically and had had little opportunity for taking exercise. The followings show the results: First, BP amplitudes were significantly lower during the 10th set than during the 1st set. Second, BP latency was significantly shortened during the 10th set as compared to the 1st set. In this study, the BP significantly fell in the process of 10% Maximun Voluntary Conduction(MCV), which occurred in all regions and was more significant during the 10th as compared to the 10th set. The results imply that repetitive movement, done in a brief space of time, may cause a variation in the process where the movement- related information is processed in the brain.
Key Words
MRCPs, BP, voluntary monement, amplitude, Latency
Studies of the Stress Cause and Coping Method in Athletic Life on the Highschool Athlete 인문,사회과학편 : 고교 운동선수들이 선수 생활 중에 겪는 스트레스 원인과 해소방법에 관한 연구
The study analyzed causes of stress and its coping factors that high school athletes’ experience during their high school career through inductive method with data collected from open questions. Through qualitative research was conducted on current high school athletes’ daily lives and trainings to find the causes and coping factors that regards to the stress. According to the research, first, causes of high school athletes’ stress are mainly caused by pressure of training and games, study, concerns on their career, negative personal relationships, coaching style of the leaders, and fear of personal loss, failure, and punishment. Second, coping factors on the stress are food, entertainment activity, hobby and cultural activity, rest, conversation, and practice. The study found that high school athletes suffer from stress that are related to practical issues of their daily life and find the coping factors through close friends and environments. Thus, coaching staffs and leaders of high school sports need to understand causes of athletes’ stress and apply proper methods to relieve it to minimize stress factors that affect athletic performance and cause injury.
Key Words
stress cause, coping method
The Development and Educational Meaning of ‘Screen Silver-zone’ for Senior Lifelong Learner in Physical Education 인문,사회과학편 : 노인 평생 체육 학습자를 위한 ‘스크린 실버존’의 개발과 교육적 의미 탐색
이현석HyunSukLee , 유정애JeongAeYou
51(4) 171-183, 2012
The Development and Educational Meaning of ‘Screen Silver-zone’ for Senior Lifelong Learner in Physical Education 인문,사회과학편 : 노인 평생 체육 학습자를 위한 ‘스크린 실버존’의 개발과 교육적 의미 탐색
이현석HyunSukLee , 유정애JeongAeYou
Recently, senior population in the world is being rapidly increased because of the advances in medicine and living environment. In Korea, especially an aging society is processing sharply. However, the welfare level for seniors in Korea is very low, because our government was sought industrial policy of growth so far. In addition, because the increase of older people’s medical expenses is connected into rising socioeconomic cost, the health problem in senior groups is a very serious. Nevertheless, places and programs that seniors could attend in physical activities for promoting their health are not enough. Thus, at national level, there is a need for developing various physical education programs in order to prepare senior cohort-generation. In a sense, the purpose of this study is to develop ‘screen silver zone’ that is physical educational contents for seniors and to explore its educational meaning through its characteristics and effects.
A Study on Effects of Instructional Models for Physical Education Based on Meta-analysis 인문,사회과학편 : 메타분석을 통한 체육과 수업 모형 적용 효과에 관한 연구
김영식YoungSikKim , 이범기BumGiLee , 정진성JinSungJung
51(4) 185-196, 2012
A Study on Effects of Instructional Models for Physical Education Based on Meta-analysis 인문,사회과학편 : 메타분석을 통한 체육과 수업 모형 적용 효과에 관한 연구
김영식YoungSikKim , 이범기BumGiLee , 정진성JinSungJung
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of alternative teaching models in physical education compared to traditional DIM(Direct Insruction Model): CLM(Cooperative Learning Model), SEM(Sport Education Model), TGUM(Teaching Games for Understanding Model). For this study, 78 master’s & doctor’s dissertations and 12 journals were collected. The mean effect size was verified based on the effects of physical education( cognitive domain, affective domain, psychomotor domain) and the moderating variables(the type of task, the number of teaching period). The results were as follows: First, overall mean effect size on the physical education was .583(ES*CLM=.707, ES*SEM=.524, ES*TGUM=.572). Also, there was positive results in all the moderating variables compared to DIM. Second, concerning three types of teaching model, there was a big effect size in different variables(CLM: in territory, over 15 periods; TGUM: in affective domain). In conclusion, The alternative teaching model affects positively on physical education compared to DIM.
Key Words
instructional models for physical education, meta-analysis
The Impact of Golf Apparel Consumers’ Shopping Value on Store Loyalty: The Moderating Role of Consumers’ Need for Uniqueness and a Store Type 인문,사회과학편 : 골프의류 소비자의 쇼핑가치가 점포충성도에 미치는 영향: 독특성 욕구와 점포 유형의 조절효과
박성진SungJinPark , 한진욱JinWookHan , 김민수MinSooKim
51(4) 197-210, 2012
The Impact of Golf Apparel Consumers’ Shopping Value on Store Loyalty: The Moderating Role of Consumers’ Need for Uniqueness and a Store Type 인문,사회과학편 : 골프의류 소비자의 쇼핑가치가 점포충성도에 미치는 영향: 독특성 욕구와 점포 유형의 조절효과
박성진SungJinPark , 한진욱JinWookHan , 김민수MinSooKim
The purpose of this study was to examine a moderating effect of consumers’need for uniqueness and a store type in the relation between golf apparel consumers’shopping values and store loyalty. A total of 229 shoppers visiting golf shops at two department stores and four discount stores in Seoul was conveniently selected and responded to the survey questionnaire. Data analyses were conducted including frequency analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis and moderated multiple analysis with PASW 18.0. The results of this study indicated that (1) both utilitarian shopping value and hedonic shopping value affected store loyalty, (2) the impact of both shopping values on store loyalty was moderated by consumers’ need for uniqueness, and (3) the impact of hedonic shopping value on store loyalty was moderated in terms of the store type, whereas the effect of utilitarian value on store loyalty was not moderated with the store type. Additional implications and directions for future research opportunities were discussed and suggested.
Key Words
shopping values, store Loyalty. need for uniqueness, store type
Neural Correlates of Sport Fans’ Brand Recognition on Professional Sports Team 인문,사회과학편 : 프로 스포츠구단 브랜드 인지에 대한 스포츠팬의 뇌 생리적 변화: fMRI 연구
김진구JinGuKim , 김성운SungWoonKim , 김준수JunSooKim
51(4) 211-221, 2012
Neural Correlates of Sport Fans’ Brand Recognition on Professional Sports Team 인문,사회과학편 : 프로 스포츠구단 브랜드 인지에 대한 스포츠팬의 뇌 생리적 변화: fMRI 연구
김진구JinGuKim , 김성운SungWoonKim , 김준수JunSooKim
The purpose of this study was to investigate how affection on professional sports team influences the team brand recognition and the brain activation of fans. The subjects of this experiment consisted of 12 male fans of the Hanwha (H) Team in the Korean Baseball League. All the subjects were right-handed and their average age was 22.4 year. To examine the cerebral activation during the observation of the manufactured goods with the team mascot and logo, twelve home team fans of the Hanwha Eagles professional baseball team were instructed to observe with their attention six different images presented to them. The results of this study showed that, activation of medial frontal gyrus activated in self-referencing, superior frontal gyrus activated when choosing familiar brand products, parahippocampal gyrus activated when there is contextual association among objects, and superior temporal gyrus activated while experiencing pleasant stimuli. This suggests that sport fans with high affection perceive their favorite team`s brand image to be closely relevant to themselves and that the brand image of the favorite team is recognized as a strong positive stimulus to the fans with high loyalty and induce positive emotions such as good feeling and intimacy.
Key Words
affection, sport marketing, brain activation, team brand recognition, fan
The Relationship Between Sports Program Instructor’s Nonverbal Communication of Training Program for Public Officials, Participants’ Sports Immersion and Their Continuos Participation Behavior 인문,사회과학편 : 공무원 연수 체육프로그램지도자의 비언어적 커뮤니케이션과 참여자의 스포츠몰입 및 지속적 참여행동의 관계
이호열HoYoulLee , 박재우JaeWooPark
51(4) 223-235, 2012
The Relationship Between Sports Program Instructor’s Nonverbal Communication of Training Program for Public Officials, Participants’ Sports Immersion and Their Continuos Participation Behavior 인문,사회과학편 : 공무원 연수 체육프로그램지도자의 비언어적 커뮤니케이션과 참여자의 스포츠몰입 및 지속적 참여행동의 관계
이호열HoYoulLee , 박재우JaeWooPark
This study was to examine the relationship between sports program instructor’s nonverbal communication of training program for public officials, participants’ sports immersion and their continuos participation behavior. To achieve this, 219 surveys were collected by using purposive sampling from participants who enrolled in long-term course at Local Government Officials Development Institute which is located in Suwon, Gyeonggi-do. The model test through structural equating model analysis and the significance test of direct and indirect effects were conducted by using SPSS 18.0 and AMOS 18.0 programs, and the following conclusions were as follows. First, nonverbal communication of sports program instructor for public official has a positive(+) effects in participants’ sports immersion. Second, sports immersion of participants in PE/sports program has a positive(+) effects in continuos participation behavior. Third, nonverbal communication of sports program instructor for public official does not have a positive(+) effects in continuos participation behavior. Fourth, sports immersion of participants in PE/sports program plays a mediating role in between nonverbal communication of leaders and continuos participation behavior of participants.
Key Words
nonverbal communication, sports immersion, continuos participation behavior, sports instructor, public official
Relationship Among Service Quality of Hotel Fitness Club, Hotel Image and Behavior After a Purchase 인문,사회과학편 : 호텔 휘트니스의 서비스 품질과 호텔이미지 및 구매 후 행동의 관계
유진우JinWooYoo , 김지태JiTaeKim
51(4) 237-246, 2012
Relationship Among Service Quality of Hotel Fitness Club, Hotel Image and Behavior After a Purchase 인문,사회과학편 : 호텔 휘트니스의 서비스 품질과 호텔이미지 및 구매 후 행동의 관계
유진우JinWooYoo , 김지태JiTaeKim
The purpose of this study was to find out the relationship among the service quality of hotel fitness club, hotel image, and behavior after a purchase. To achieve the purpose of this study, 306 fitness club members of the hotels located in three different areas (Seoul, Incheon, Gyeonggi-do) were selected for a period of one month by using non-probability sampling method. For a procedure of the survey, the researcher directly visited each hotel in question, distribute the questionnaires to the targeted persons, had them prepare the questionnaires using the self-administered method and immediately collected on the site. For the statistical analysis,, correlation analysis and multiple regression were used by using SPSS Window Version 18.0, and the following result was obtained from the analysis. Firstly, the service quality had partial influence on the internal and external images that were the sub-factors of the hotel image. Secondly, the service quality had a partial influence on the intention to register again and words of mouth, the sub-factors of the behavior after a purchase. Thirdly, the hotel image had a partial influence on the intention to register again and words of mouth, the sub-factors of the behavior after a purchase.
Key Words
hotel fitness club, service quality, hotel image, behavior after a purchase
The Relationships Among Teaching Belief, Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Expertise of Leisure Sports Instructor 인문,사회과학편 : 생활체육지도자의 지도신념과 수업지식 및 전문성의 관계
김아람AhRamKim , 김현식HyunSikKim
51(4) 247-257, 2012
The Relationships Among Teaching Belief, Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Expertise of Leisure Sports Instructor 인문,사회과학편 : 생활체육지도자의 지도신념과 수업지식 및 전문성의 관계
김아람AhRamKim , 김현식HyunSikKim
The purpose of this study was to identify the causal relationships among teaching belief, pedagogical content knowledge and expertise of leisure sports instructor. To achieve the purpose, the total 381 subjects, were sampled from General Sports Center in Public Facilities and Private Facilities. There answered the given questionnaires. For the research tool, teaching belief used the questionnaires scales which modified school teacher belief questionnaires used by Park(2009). The measuring tool in pedagogical content knowledge and expertise used the questionnaires scales which develop by Kim(2011) and analysis of quality research. To process data, AMOS 5.0 and SPSS PC+ 15.0 Version statistical program for WINDOWS were used and descriptive statistic, t-test, factor analysis, correlation and covariance structure analysis were conducted. Through such processes and method of the study as above, the results of this study are as follow. The relationships among teaching belief, pedagogical content knowledge and expertise of leisure sports instructor were the causal relation. First, teaching belief statistically and significantly influences pedagogical content knowledge. Second, pedagogical content knowledge statistically and significantly influences expertise.
Progress of Performance and Policy Discussion for Development of High Jump of Athletics of Korea 인문,사회과학편 : 한국 높이뛰기 경기의 기록추이와 발전방안
이진택JinTaekLee , 황종대JongDaeHwang , 주동진DongJinJoo
51(4) 259-269, 2012
Progress of Performance and Policy Discussion for Development of High Jump of Athletics of Korea 인문,사회과학편 : 한국 높이뛰기 경기의 기록추이와 발전방안
이진택JinTaekLee , 황종대JongDaeHwang , 주동진DongJinJoo
This study researches on human instinct for high jump of athletic sand seeks development way by discussing future policy and present condition comparing Korean and World Record. This study is significant considered the study is first try on discussing the high jump related humanities or development policy and also hopefully this study would play a role as a catalyst for researches on the athletics related humanities and society. The following is the result of this study. Korea, that entered the line of world’s top 10 olympic country, is lack of national competitiveness in athletics that makes base for all the other events, proving it is a country of sports unbalance biased towards specific events. To be developed as a balanced sports powerhouse, it is important for the country to be concerned in athletics, the basic events and foster it. To do this and for the national competitiveness in high jump, this study established, first, the plan for physical condition(physique), second, E-learning system management that is currently running by the Korea Association of Athletics Federation(KAAF) for expanding base of interest and fostering the athletes, third, the new approach on athletic events for the national status of Korea : Long-term Development Plan.
Key Words
high jump, athletic, kaafl
An Examination of Model Among Risk Perception, Fun, Leisure Flow and Continuous Behavior of Participate in Water Sports 인문,사회과학편 : 수상스포츠 참가자의 위험지각, 재미, 여가몰입 및 운동지속행동 간의 관계모형 검증
손승범SeungBumSon , 김춘종ChunJongKim
51(4) 271-282, 2012
An Examination of Model Among Risk Perception, Fun, Leisure Flow and Continuous Behavior of Participate in Water Sports 인문,사회과학편 : 수상스포츠 참가자의 위험지각, 재미, 여가몰입 및 운동지속행동 간의 관계모형 검증
손승범SeungBumSon , 김춘종ChunJongKim
The purpose of this study was to examine the model indicated relationship among risk perception, fun, leisure flow and continuous behavior for helping strategy of population of water sports. To achieve its goal, this study targeted on participants who visited the place of water sports in Kyonggido gapyeong province. Questionaries were distributed to 350 persons & 317 were used in actual analysis. As for statistical method for data processing, this research conducted frequency, reliability, correlation, confirmatory factor analysis & structural equation modeling by using SPSS 18.0 & AMOS 18.0. The finding of this study were as follows. First, research model of the study, which was set water sports participant’s risk perception, fun, leisure flow & continuous behavior relationship was suitable. Second, a result of structural equation modeling showed that water sports participant’s risk perception affects fun & continuous behavior. Also, fun affects leisure flow & continuous behavior highly, but leisure flow does not affect continuous behavior. As indicated above, water sports industry insiders must induce water sports participants & potential participants to get positive cognition about water sports. Also, they must find out factors that go into their enjoyment of a water sports & try to various attempts to increase flow of it.
Key Words
water sports, risk perception, fun, Leisure flow, continuous behavior
A Study on Relationship Among Life Stress, Social Support and Leisure Satisfaction for College Students Attended Physical Education as Liberal Arts 인문,사회과학편 : 교양체육 참여 대학생의 생활스트레스와 사회적지지, 여가만족 간의 관계
A Study on Relationship Among Life Stress, Social Support and Leisure Satisfaction for College Students Attended Physical Education as Liberal Arts 인문,사회과학편 : 교양체육 참여 대학생의 생활스트레스와 사회적지지, 여가만족 간의 관계
The goal of this study was to identify stressors of cultural physical education participants’ in daily life and to investigate the effects of a social support and leisure activities as cultural physical education class. To achieve the goal, 290 samples were collected from physical education participants of university in Gyeonggi-do. The collected data were analyzed by the exploratory factor analysis, Chroncach’α with SPSS WIN 17.0 program and the structure model analysis with AMOS 7.0 Results are as follows. First, life stressors had a significant influence on participant’s a social support. Second, life stressors had a significant influence on participant’s leisure satisfaction. Third, a social support had not a significant influence on participant’s seisure satisfaction. Based on this results, suggest professions for future research, first, extensive research is needed on college students’ who go to college. life stress, social support and seisure satisfaction outside Seoul so that the subject of this study was focus on specific areas. In addition it is needed to investigate a difference between students who participate in cultural physical education and does not and required in-depth research considered. meaning of cultural physical education.
Key Words
Life stress, social support, Leisure satisfaction, culture physical education
A Study of Leisure Experience: on the Perspective of Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenology 인문,사회과학편 : 여가경험에 관한 연구: 메를로-퐁티의 현상학을 중심으로
51(4) 295-305, 2012
A Study of Leisure Experience: on the Perspective of Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenology 인문,사회과학편 : 여가경험에 관한 연구: 메를로-퐁티의 현상학을 중심으로
Existential phenomenology of this study are a Merleau - Ponty’s philosophy of existence based on the concept of leisure, from the phenomenological point of view examined the possibility of applying. To this end, Merleau-Ponty to think what is perception, perception by the nature of perception and experience the true meaning of human activities in the study subject is capable and experienced participation were investigated. Quality for a given body in space and time to adapt their proceeds. Qualitative time and space given to him by his embodied existence to that of the range will expand the scope of life. Containing the living consciousness of the body-conscious leisure experience may seek to change as a concept. Activities inherent in trying to understand the true meaning of the experience if you Merleau - Ponty claimed the body - as a subject obtained by direct participation is made possible by personal experience. Merleau-Ponty’s theory of perception through the body of the subject perceived the future is to create it. Experience through the body life of the world about the attitude of wisdom to be able to get the concept of physical activity in leisure, you can find a new paradigm.
Effects of Therapeutic Recreation Program as Physical Activities on Stress and Family Function of Families of Children with Disabilities 인문,사회과학편 : 신체활동 중심의 치료레크리에이션 프로그램이 장애학생 부모의 스트레스 수준 및 가족기능에 미치는 영향
이문숙MoonSookLee , 이명선MyungSunLee
51(4) 307-318, 2012
Effects of Therapeutic Recreation Program as Physical Activities on Stress and Family Function of Families of Children with Disabilities 인문,사회과학편 : 신체활동 중심의 치료레크리에이션 프로그램이 장애학생 부모의 스트레스 수준 및 가족기능에 미치는 영향
이문숙MoonSookLee , 이명선MyungSunLee
The purpose of this study was to identify effects of Effects of Therapeutic Recreation program as Physical Activities on Stress and Family Function of Families of Children with Disabilities. The subjects of this quasi-experimental study were two folds as one experimental group and one control group. The subjects of experimental group were randomly composed of Therapeutic Recreation program. contrary to this, the subjects of control group included those who neither participated in recreation program. All statistical analyses and description methods were computed by SPSS window 14.0, AMOS 4.0. The discriminant analysis was used to find changes of Stress and Family Function, ANCOVA and covariance structure analysis. The results of this study were as followings: Frist, there was founded that Therapeutic Recreation program group significantly improved their Stress. Second, there was founded that Therapeutic Recreation program group significantly improved their Family Function. Third, it was revealed cause and effect relations with Therapeutic Recreation program, stress and Family Function. The results indicated that Therapeutic Recreation program is directly and strongly cause and effect relations with stress and Family Function.
Key Words
dancesport, Leisure satisfaction, job satisfaction, Life satisfaction
The Meaning of Participating Experience for the Extreme Sports 인문,사회과학편 : 익스트림 스포츠 참여 경험의 의미
안현균HyunKyunAhn , 천항욱HangUkCheon
51(4) 319-330, 2012
The Meaning of Participating Experience for the Extreme Sports 인문,사회과학편 : 익스트림 스포츠 참여 경험의 의미
안현균HyunKyunAhn , 천항욱HangUkCheon
This research wanted to reveal the meaning of the experience from extreme sports. The qualitative research method was applied to this research. The manias of extreme sports were targeted in this research. The data of their experience was collected and the meaning considering the environment was analyzed. Accordingly, it was confirmed that the participants of extreme sports were experiencing restoration. The participants established danger and fear to be their object to overcome. They controlled their body movement to be free from danger. The participants feel pain in the process of repetitively moving their body. The pain creates an atmosphere that would require very polished concentration and the participants gets immersed into it. During the immersed state, the participant experiences the release the moment one escapes from danger. This series of experiences change the attitude of life. This series of experience contains the meaning of overcoming. At the same time, the participant enjoys oneself through the whole process. If traditional sports show the typical lifestyle of modern society which is competition, extreme sports pursue an alternative lifestyle in the form of overcoming.
Key Words
extreme sport, experience, flow, overcome
Leisure Activities of Middle-aged Family Function and Impact on Life Satisfaction 인문,사회과학편 : 중년층의 가족기능이 여가참여 활동 및 생활만족에 미치는 영향
임란희RanHeeLim , 남서원SeoWonNam , 박장근JangGeunPark
51(4) 331-340, 2012
Leisure Activities of Middle-aged Family Function and Impact on Life Satisfaction 인문,사회과학편 : 중년층의 가족기능이 여가참여 활동 및 생활만족에 미치는 영향
임란희RanHeeLim , 남서원SeoWonNam , 박장근JangGeunPark
The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between leisure activities of middle-aged family function and life satisfaction. The 255 middle-aged people over the age of 40 are statistically analyzed. The SPSS Ver. 20.0 is used to find out the validity and reliability. Also descriptive statistical analysis, correlation analysis, path analysis are applied. The followings are conclusions. The first, The family cohesion, family, discipline, sports, hobbies, spectator viewing, social activities, tourism and recreation have a positive relationship with life satisfaction. Recreation and non-action unrelated to the family is not formed. Family adjustment to the role of leisure activity participation and life satisfaction show that there is no relationship. Life satisfaction, recreation, relationships are formed non-action is not. The second, the family cohesion function of leisure activity participation and life satisfaction directly affects. Participation in leisure activities have a direct impact on life satisfaction is found. But family discipline of family functioning and family role adjustment to adapt the activities do not affect life satisfaction and leisure participation.
Key Words
middle-aged, family function, Leisure activities, Life satisfaction
A Study on Ancient Festival-oriented Ritual Plays 인문,사회과학편 : 고대축제를 통한 제의놀이 고찰
51(4) 341-360, 2012
A Study on Ancient Festival-oriented Ritual Plays 인문,사회과학편 : 고대축제를 통한 제의놀이 고찰
Buyeo’s ‘Younggo’ is today’s Byeolshingut and Jisinbalgi, Semal Narye Gamyeonnory associated with agricultural rite; China’s folk ‘Gamuhi’ is the same as Korea’s folk Talnori and Jisinbalgi. Goguryeo’s Dongmaeng is a songstress inviting gods; the tradition remains as today’s Jeju Dongjae and Daegwanryung Sansinjes Sinmajinori. Donye’s Muchun is Dodangje; Sinmajinori includes ‘Jonggo’, ‘Japhui’, ‘Dodanggut’; and ‘Gunwoonggutnori’’Nodongigut’,’Gangneung danohgut’ in Byeolshingut. Mahan’s ‘Takmu’ is Maegut and Maeak originated from ‘Hi’ which is Poongmulnori and Talcumnori. Sesinori praying for good harvest in Jinhan include Jangwonnori, Ssrum, Poongmulnori, Gilssamnori originated from Gakjeohi. Today’ Dodanggut and Byeolshingut originate from Byeonhan; Ritual play praying for good harvest includes Gyeonjo and Gyeongma.
Key Words
ancient festival, ritual play
A New Paradigm in the Education of Dance Criticism 인문,사회과학편 : 무용비평 교육의 새로운 지평
전현주HyunJuJeon , 오율자YulJaOh
51(4) 361-369, 2012
A New Paradigm in the Education of Dance Criticism 인문,사회과학편 : 무용비평 교육의 새로운 지평
전현주HyunJuJeon , 오율자YulJaOh
This study will present an alternative to dance criticism education and establish a basis for new paradigm to be developed in the current and future of Dance. Besides, the curriculum of a domestic University will be analyzed as an attempt for new transformation. Also presenting educational functions and effects of dance criticism and finding problems in current dance criticism education, this study will propose a new structure and its future direction of dance criticism education while reflecting on its problems. First, courses have to be selected and organized according to the critical factors of the dance theory, and professional staffs that can push ahead with and study each field in depth should be provided. Second, a serious consideration should be placed upon methodological principles in order to improve students’ dance critical writing skills, and for this, it is desirable to utilize writing assignments given to students taking major subjects related to what they learn. Third, the dance criticism education for dance majoring students has to give useful information to appreciators and improve overall analytical skills for the work of art. In conclusion, the condition in which students can learn theory adjusted according to an individual’s talents should be created so that a number of highly qualified critics can be produced for the development of dance criticism.
A Case Study on the Hangeul Dance Education Program for Finnish Dance Students: Integrated Approach to Hangeul Education andCultural Education 인문,사회과학편 : 핀란드 무용전공 학생들을 대상으로 한 한글춤 교육프로그램 체험 사례 연구: 한글교육과 문화교육의 통합적 접근
이정화JoungHwaLee , 강현화HyunHwaKang , 이한주HanJooLee
51(4) 371-384, 2012
A Case Study on the Hangeul Dance Education Program for Finnish Dance Students: Integrated Approach to Hangeul Education andCultural Education 인문,사회과학편 : 핀란드 무용전공 학생들을 대상으로 한 한글춤 교육프로그램 체험 사례 연구: 한글교육과 문화교육의 통합적 접근
이정화JoungHwaLee , 강현화HyunHwaKang , 이한주HanJooLee
This study aims to observe how well Finnish dance students can understand Hangeul(Korean alphabet) and express it physically, and to analyze its cultural and educational value. 15 Finnish female dance students underwent 12 two-hour sessions of the Hangeul dance education program for 3 weeks and staged a performance. For research tools, homework evaluation, practical performance test, student journals, focus group interviews, interviews with the audience and the Finnish teachers, observation journals and video recordings were used. The quantitative data were analyzed through descriptive statistics and content analysis, and the qualitative data were done through inductive coding methods, peer debriefing and triangulation. The following results were drawn from this study: First, the students had an outstanding average of 94 when tested their understanding of Hangeul and seem to have acquired the Korean consonants and vowels accurately. Second, when evaluated on the task of expressing Hangeul physically, they had an average of 80. Third, the cultural and educational value of the Hangeul dance education program appeared to be positive.
Key Words
hangeul dance education program, integrated approach, hangeul education, cultural education
Effects of Exercise Training on Thyroid Function, Body Composition, Physical Fitness, and Blood Lipid Profiles in Subclinical Hypothyroidism Subjects 자연과학편 : 갑상선 기능 저하증 환자의 운동 트레이닝이 갑상선 기능, 신체구성, 체력 및 혈중 지질변인에 미치는 영향
51(4) 385-394, 2012
Effects of Exercise Training on Thyroid Function, Body Composition, Physical Fitness, and Blood Lipid Profiles in Subclinical Hypothyroidism Subjects 자연과학편 : 갑상선 기능 저하증 환자의 운동 트레이닝이 갑상선 기능, 신체구성, 체력 및 혈중 지질변인에 미치는 영향
This study examined the effects of combined exercise program including in weight training and aerobic training on body composition, physical fitness and blood lipid profiles in hypothyroidism patients. Subjects were the hypothyroidism patients, who were divided into two groups according to the exercise intervention as exercise (n=18) or non-exercise (n=18). The subjects took combined exercise programs including in weight training, aerobic exercise on 60 min/time and 3 times/week for 12 weeks. Thyroid function, body composition, physical fitness and blood lipid profiles are compared and analyzed before and after the exercise intervention. Body weight, BMI, %fat, waist circumference, visceral fat, bone density, TC, TG, LDL-C, IL-1β, insulin, T4, free T4 and T3 of exercise group showed significant differences between period. We found the positive effects of 12 weeks combined exercise training on hypothyroidism and related metabolic syndromes.
The Effects of High Intensity Exercise and DA-9601 Administration on Antioxidant Enzyme Activities Cytokine Expressions in Rats 자연과학편 : 고강도 운동과 DA-9601의 투여가 항산화효소 활성도 및 사이토카인 발현에 미치는 영향
최진경JinKyeongChoi , 최은주EunJuChoi
51(4) 395-405, 2012
The Effects of High Intensity Exercise and DA-9601 Administration on Antioxidant Enzyme Activities Cytokine Expressions in Rats 자연과학편 : 고강도 운동과 DA-9601의 투여가 항산화효소 활성도 및 사이토카인 발현에 미치는 영향
최진경JinKyeongChoi , 최은주EunJuChoi
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of High intensity exercise and DA-9601 administration on hepatic antioxidant enzyme activities and TNF-α, IL-1β mRNA expressions in rats. DA-9601(Stillen™) is a novel anti-peptic formulation prepared from the ethanol extracts of Artemisia asiatica possessing anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory activities. Male Sprague Dawley rats were randomly divided into 4 groups; control, high intensity exercise group, DA-9601 group, high intensity exercise plus DA-9601 group. Animals were given an oral injection of DA-9601 with 50 mg/g/day of dosage per kg for four weeks. In order to induce EXE animals were allowed to ran on a treadmill with 7 degree of slope at speed of 28 m/min for 36 minutes. The exercise was performed five times a week for four week. The results of this study were as following; The hepatic SOD, CAT, GSH-Px and GR activities were significantly DA group and DAE group higher than that of the other groups(p<.05). The expression of TNF-α mRNA in gastrocnemius was significantly elevated in the DAE group compared to the high intensity exercise group. However there was no significant difference in the gastrocnemius IL-1β mRNA expression among groups. In conclusion, it seems likely that these DA-9601 are beneficial against oxidative stress, thereby being helpful in decrease or defence the development of oxidative stress and inflammation characteristic cytokine be caused by high intensity exercise.
Key Words
high intensity exercise, enzyme activity, Cytokine, TNF-α, IL-1β
The Effect of Pilates Mat Exercise on Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors and Inflammation Markers in Sarcopenic Obesity Elderly 자연과학편 : 필라테스 매트운동이 근위축 비만 노인의 심혈관질환 위험요인과 염증반응지표에 미치는 영향
김현태HyunTaeKim , 김남정NamJungKim
51(4) 407-417, 2012
The Effect of Pilates Mat Exercise on Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors and Inflammation Markers in Sarcopenic Obesity Elderly 자연과학편 : 필라테스 매트운동이 근위축 비만 노인의 심혈관질환 위험요인과 염증반응지표에 미치는 영향
김현태HyunTaeKim , 김남정NamJungKim
The purpose of the study was to determine the effects of pilates mat exercise on cardiovascular disease risk factors and inflammation markers in sarcopenic obesity elderly. All subjects were sarcopenic obesity(height for each of the arms, legs, appendicular muscle mass ratio of 1.16kg/m2, 4.31kg/m2, 5.21kg/m2 under and % body fat is more than 30%) elderly performed the pilates mat exercise during 12-week for 60 minutes 3 times a weeks. All subjects of this study were examined the changes in cardiovascular disease risk factors(TC, TG, HDL-C, LDL-C, Glucose, Insulin) and inflammation markers(fibrinogen, adiponectin, leptin, CRP). The results of the study in the exercise group were as follows; The weight, % body fat, TC, TG, LDL-C, fibrinogen, CRP had significantly decreased and muscle mass, HDL-C, adiponectin had significantly increased. And also, pilates mat exercise can effective to improve sarcopenic obesity, and pilates mat exercises performed coy shrink obesity to cardiovascular disease and inflammatory response indicators of older women as old man’s physical features of the deterioration of the prevention of obesity and muscle strength loss, causing the effective exercise method is meant to be.
The Effects of Knee Brace on Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries Risk Factors During One-Legged Landing of Female Gymnasts 자연과학편 : 여자 체조선수들의 한 발 드롭 착지 시 무릎보호대가 전방십자인대 부상 위험요인에 미치는 영향
임비오BeeOhLim , 김규완KewWanKim , 서정석JungSukSeo
51(4) 419-425, 2012
The Effects of Knee Brace on Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries Risk Factors During One-Legged Landing of Female Gymnasts 자연과학편 : 여자 체조선수들의 한 발 드롭 착지 시 무릎보호대가 전방십자인대 부상 위험요인에 미치는 영향
임비오BeeOhLim , 김규완KewWanKim , 서정석JungSukSeo
The purpose of the study was to investigate the effects of knee brace on anterior cruciate ligament injuries risk factors during one-legged landing of female gymnasts. Eleven female gymnasts were recruited and performed randomly one-legged drop landing in height of her’s knee with (3times) and without (3times) knee brace. Kinematics and ground reaction data were collected to estimate the anterior cruciate ligament injuries risk factors. Data were analyzed with paired samples t-test. Female gymnasts with knee brace showed more reduced the distance from ankle joint center to knee joint center in sagittal plane and knee maximum joint torque than without knee brace. In conclusion, Female gymnasts with knee brace reduced anterior cruciate ligament stress.
The Research for Mathematical Model in 100 m Sprint 자연과학편 : 100 m 단거리 경기의 수학적 모형에 관한 연구
김혜영HyeYoungKim , 문제헌JeHeonMoon
51(4) 427-435, 2012
The Research for Mathematical Model in 100 m Sprint 자연과학편 : 100 m 단거리 경기의 수학적 모형에 관한 연구
김혜영HyeYoungKim , 문제헌JeHeonMoon
This study is to compare three mathematical models which are Keller’s model defining power on sprinters as propulsion and resistance, Helene’s model assuming propulsion is reduced as time goes on and Quinn’s model considering external factors on power. Through the study, we have learnt which mathematical models are appropriate for indicating actual movement of elite sprinters. To conduct the study, Usain Bolt’s world records for 100 m sprint were used. As a result of the study, three mathematical models had same results as actual ones. Especially, Helene’s model reflecting reducing propulsion factor at the end of sprint race and Quinn’s model considering wind, reaction time, air density, drag coefficient and cross-sectional area of athlete had the most suitable results. The result of comparing around 9 seconds and 10 seconds was Usain had much higher propulsion when he finished in at around 10 seconds than 9 seconds. However, he had a higher resistance at around 10 seconds than 9 seconds. It means external factors such as wind and reaction time as well as internal factors such as failing to keep in shape affected his results.
Key Words
100 m sprint, mathematical model, Usain Bolt, Keller’s model, Helene’s model, Quinn’s model
Effects of Localized Muscle Fatigue and Visual Information on the Variables of Center of Pressure and Center of Mass 자연과학편 : 국소근 피로와 시각정보가 압력중심점과 질량중심점 변수에 미치는 영향
최세정SeJungChoi , 염창홍ChangHongYoum
51(4) 437-446, 2012
Effects of Localized Muscle Fatigue and Visual Information on the Variables of Center of Pressure and Center of Mass 자연과학편 : 국소근 피로와 시각정보가 압력중심점과 질량중심점 변수에 미치는 영향
최세정SeJungChoi , 염창홍ChangHongYoum
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of localized muscle fatigue and visual information on the variables of center of pressure and center of mass. Nineteen young healthy adults volunteered to participate in the study. Ankle muscle fatigue was induced using a heel raise. In this study, the number of heel raise was 191±62 and 169±48 repetitions during the test with open and closed eyes, respectively. The analyses of center of pressure and center of mass data were limited to 15 s during the single-legged stance. Our results showed that when visual information were blocked, the velocity and rms distance of COP and COM were increased in the anteroposterior direction. The velocity and rms distance of the COP variables were increased in the mediolateral direction due to blocked vision. Moreover, the velocity and rms distance of the COM variables were increased due to localized muscle fatigue and blocked vision. In conclusion, localized muscle fatigue and blocked visual information affects the postural control ability during single-leg stance.
Key Words
muscle fatigue, center of pressure, postural control, heel raise
Analysis on the Constraint Factors of Physical Disabilities in the Lifetime Sport 자연과학편 : 지체장애인의 생활체육 참여 제약 요인 분석
구교만KyoManKoo , 오아라AhRaOh
51(4) 447-454, 2012
Analysis on the Constraint Factors of Physical Disabilities in the Lifetime Sport 자연과학편 : 지체장애인의 생활체육 참여 제약 요인 분석
구교만KyoManKoo , 오아라AhRaOh
The purpose of this study was to extract any constraints on participating in life time sports through survey of research. Analysis aiming at the physical disabilities who participate in life time sports that which constraint factors are occurring when they participate in life time sports. Participants of the study are those 619 physical disabilities among the disabilities participating in life time sports in the whole country, constraint factors of life time sports participation were surveyed using open-ended questionnaire, data was treated and analyzed using the method of inductive content analysis. constraint factors of life time sports participation of the disabled were categorized firstly according to 50 small areas, secondarily according to 21 medium areas, lastly according to 7 large areas. The result of the study was analyzed in the order of circumstance factors of exercise participation, microscopic circumstance factors, movement circumstance factors, social support circumstance factors, personal factors were analyzed in the large areas. In the order of lack of places, economic hardship, lack of time were analyzed in the medium areas. In the order of lack of places, lack of transportation, economic hardship, problems within a facility to move were analyzed in the small areas.
Key Words
physical disabilities, Life time sport, constraints
Empiric Case Study About Success Factors of U.S Inclusive Physical Education: Centrically Virginia State 자연과학편 : 미국 통합체육 수업의 성공요인에 관한 체험적 사례연구: 버지니아 주를 중심으로
박상수SangSooPark , 고영환YoungHwanKoh , 김춘종ChunJongKim
51(4) 455-465, 2012
Empiric Case Study About Success Factors of U.S Inclusive Physical Education: Centrically Virginia State 자연과학편 : 미국 통합체육 수업의 성공요인에 관한 체험적 사례연구: 버지니아 주를 중심으로
박상수SangSooPark , 고영환YoungHwanKoh , 김춘종ChunJongKim
The purpose of this study is to suggest how Korean inclusive physical education will be developed through empiric case of U.S Inclusive physical education that are successfully performed. To achieve the purpose of this study, observation and interview were conducted in selected one elementary, middle and high school where are located in Virginia. The results are as follow. First, training a inclusive physical educator is managed by differentiated curriculum by providing the guides of inclusive physical education, connection with county public schools, seminar and APENS exam. Second, the inclusive physical education is considerate of student with disability’s class adaptation through a variety of support from professional such as a adapted physical education, physical therapist, occupational therapist, mobility teacher and speech specialist besides physical educator. Third, individualized education plan(IEP) including inclusive physical education is managed well by web-based IEP and encouraging to work in close collaboration with teachers and to gather the opinion of parents through IEP meeting which is periodically held.
Key Words
inclusive physical education, Virginia State, empiric case study
Comparative Analysis of Sports Functional Supplement Patterns Between Male and Female Collegiate Athletes 자연과학편 : 남ㆍ녀 대학운동선수의 스포츠기능성보조제 섭취실태 분석
The purpose of this study was to compare the sports functional supplement (SFS) patterns between male and female collegiate athletes. Two hundreds thirty one athletes(male, n=190; female, n=41) completed a questionnaire including percentage of intaking SFS, type of SFS, number of SFS, purpose of SFS, source of information on SFS, way to purchase SFS, and reason(s) for not intaking SFS. Main results obtained by chi-square test and multiple response analysis were as follows: 1) The percentages of intaking SFS was 78.0% in female and 67.9% in male. 2) Popular SFSs were red ginseng, protein supplement, multivitamins, oriental supplement, and creatine. 3) The percentages of consuming more than three SFS were 53.1% in female and 14.8% in male. 4) The purpose of intaking SFS was various. 5) Priority source of information on SFS was parents and family members rather than experts. It was concluded that many collegiate athletes do not obtain the information on SFS in a professional way, although high percent of the athletes regardless of gender utilize the SFS. Therefore, education for the type, function, and proper way to intake SFS would be warranted for the collegiate athletes and their coaches.
Key Words
sports functional supplement, ergogenic aids, health food, athlete, collegiate athlete
Effects of Resistance Training on BDNF, GAP-43, ERK1/2 and MCT2 Protein Expression of Hippocampal Tissue in F344 Rats 자연과학편 : 저항성운동이 F344 흰쥐 해마의 BDNF, GAP-43, ERK1/2, MCT2 발현 및 기억력에 미치는 영향
현광석KwangSeokHyun , 이상학SangHakLee , 윤진환JinHwanYoon
51(4) 477-487, 2012
Effects of Resistance Training on BDNF, GAP-43, ERK1/2 and MCT2 Protein Expression of Hippocampal Tissue in F344 Rats 자연과학편 : 저항성운동이 F344 흰쥐 해마의 BDNF, GAP-43, ERK1/2, MCT2 발현 및 기억력에 미치는 영향
현광석KwangSeokHyun , 이상학SangHakLee , 윤진환JinHwanYoon
We examined the effects of resistance training on brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), growth associated protein 43 (GAP-43), extracellular signal-regulated kinases1/2 (ERK1/2) and monocarboxylate transporters (MCTs) protein expression of hippocampal tissue of F344 rats. To achieve the purpose of this study, thirty-six male F344 rats were assigned to naive group, weak training group and strong training group. Male F344 rats(n=24) underwent 8 weeks of resistance training on a vertical ladder (weak resistance training group=weak group, strong resistance training group=strong group). The load of weak group was 50% of the animal’s total body mass. In subsequent series, the load of strong group was progressively increased from 50% to final load of 100%. Control group(n=12) was also included. Hippocampal tissues were extracted from the each. we evaluated the effects of resistance training on spatial memory and expression of BDNF, GAP-43, ERK and MCT2, comparing these effects with those of untrained naive group. After the training period, Both resistance training group showed relatively improved learning and spatial memory more than naive group. And, both resistance training groups showed increased level of BDNF, GAP-43, ERK and MCT2 expression in the hippocampus than naive group. These findings demonstrated that resistance exercise can employ divergent molecular mechanisms but achieve similar results on learning and spatial memory.
Effect of Resistance Muscle Exercise and Bicycle Exercise on Blood Pressure and Body COG(Center of Gravity) in Hypertensive Patients with Women’s 자연과학편 : 저항성 근력 운동과 자전거운동이 여성고혈압환자의 혈압과 신체중심동요에 미치는 효과 분석
51(4) 489-495, 2012
Effect of Resistance Muscle Exercise and Bicycle Exercise on Blood Pressure and Body COG(Center of Gravity) in Hypertensive Patients with Women’s 자연과학편 : 저항성 근력 운동과 자전거운동이 여성고혈압환자의 혈압과 신체중심동요에 미치는 효과 분석
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of twelve weeks resistance muscle training and aerobic bicycle exercise on blood pressure and center of gravity in hypertensive patients. The subjects, over 65 year-old hypertensive women, were separated into two groups; (RMT) Resistance Muscle Training (n=10), and (ABE) Aerobic Bicycle Exercise (n=9). Resistance Muscle Training was composed of an arm curl, shoulder press, chest press, lat pull down, abdominal exercise, leg extension, leg curl, leg press, and a hip abductor exercise with 50-60%/1RM. The Aerobic Bicycle Exercise was composed of a stationary bicycle exercise with an RPE intensity of 11-13. The results of the study were as follows; Blood pressure and body center of gravity (COG) were significantly improved after twelve training sessions. The hypertensive patients within both the RMT and ABE groups exhibited reduced blood pressure and showed an increase in general physical activity. Initially, the subjects had complained of dizziness, shaking, and a risk of falling due to balance issues. After twelve weeks of exercise focusing on center of gravity (COG), the subjects had not only improved in the areas of dizziness and shaking, but had also showed added stability when walking.
Key Words
resistance muscle training, central of gravity, BMI, 1RM